Selecting Share Safe Options When Sending a File

If you use Share Safe to send files that are not stored in Document, you must select sending options. You can access these options by clicking Send a File Options on the CCH Axcess ribbon in Microsoft® Outlook®. The options you can select are as follows:

Option Description
Expire files in <#> days. By default, files expire after 30 days. You can set an expiration period shorter than 30 days. You cannot set an expiration date longer than 30 days.
I have received permission from my client to send the file. Selecting this box indicates that you have contacted the client and confirmed that it is okay to send the file electronically. Your firm might require this if the file is of a sensitive nature.
Send me an email notification upon file download completion by recipient. Select this option if you want to receive an email when the recipient downloads the file.
Send me a copy of the unique URL sent to my client. This option is selected by default. You will receive a copy of the unique URL sent to your client.